The coast of Asturias has a deserved reputation for being beautiful, treasuring unrepeatable places to enjoy the landscape with the five senses, and always with that incredible backdrop that is the Cantabrian Sea.

Villas and towns, capes, lighthouses, beaches, cliffs … A set of sites that delight travelers most eager for new sensations.
Text taken from the web:
Castropol It is a stately town perched on a promontory that slopes towards the Eo estuary, the natural border between Asturias and Galicia.
Its steep streets are a constant discovery, and reveal a Historic Quarter with palaces, emblazoned houses, chapels, squares, churches or parks, where a past of splendor is glimpsed. Castropol ©Noemí Castaño

Castropol, well known for its floral carpets, also stands out for its rich seafood cuisine, for the oysters from its estuary, and for being a reference place for practicing water sports, both river and maritime.

Penarronda beach is shared by the councils of Castropol (Barres) and Tapia de Casariego (Santa Gadía). Divided by the stream of the same name, Penarronda is unique: it has among its flora the sea wallflower, a species in danger of extinction, which is not present anywhere else in Asturias.
Playa de Penarronda ©Pablo López Aothers, it stands out for its singular beauty, in the shape of an elongated shell and with a round rock in the center that gives the beach its name. Often windy and swell, it is perfect for surfing.
Tapia It is one of the most beautiful fishing villages in the entire west of Asturias. Its whaling origins, its strong ties to fishing and its canning tradition give it a very special air. Tapia ©Paco Currás S.L. Its port, its beaches, its lighthouse, its old neighborhoods … everything in Tapia tastes of the sea, including its cuisine. In addition, since the late 60s of the 20th century, it has been an international surfing mecca, thanks to the magnificent waves of its Anguileiro beach. Y además, si te gusta el agua salada, pero sin darte un baño en el mar, Tapia es la única villa de toda la costa asturiana que cuenta con una piscina de agua salada, acondicionada en una antigua cetárea. Cuna de personajes ilustres, que podrás conocer en la exposición “Los señores de las Casas Palacio”, ubicada en la Casa de Cultura, Tapia conserva hoy en día todo el encanto de una glamurosa villa cantábrica.

La playa de Mexota, en el concejo de Tapia de Casariego, es un precioso remanso de cristalinas aguas. Se accede a ella a pie desde la localidad de Serantes, o a través de un camino desde Villamil.

Playa de Mexota ©Juanjo Arrojo

Un islote rocoso central divide la playa en dos, y le da un aire inconfundible. Protegida por grandes acantilados y con una fina arena blanca, Mexota es un auténtico oasis de paz y tranquilidad, donde de vez en cuando, sopla la brisa marina…

El Porto/Viavélez it honors the beauty of the western coast with its ports and fishing villages, and gives El Franco, its municipality, a prominent place in terms of coastal landscapes. Viavélez (El Franco) ©Jesús Alfaro Secluded, almost secret and humble, El Porto / Viavélez offers you peace, a fishing port atmosphere, good cuisine and a lot of literature. Precisely because of the art of letters, this seafaring town in western Asturias has traveled all over the world thanks to the fact that its favorite daughter, the novelist Corín Tellado – the most widely read in the Spanish language after Cervantes – was born in this beautiful town and there you you will find his birth house. In addition, this author gives its name to one of the most beautiful streets in the town, drawn from the Cofradía de Pescadores.
Like any self-respecting fishing village, El Porto / Viavélez preserves in its customs and in its typical architecture the essence of the culture of western Asturias, and that is how you will feel it in its streets, in its port or in its viewpoint, from which you will have spectacular views of the coastline. As Covas da Andía (El Franco) ©Turismo Asturias And a few kilometers from El Porto / Viavélez, you can visit As Covas da Andía , of great geological and landscape singularity. You will find that the abundant and dense vegetation barely makes them visible from the outside, but once you enter them you will discover a world in which natural beauty is combined with the mining activity of Roman times, destined to obtain gold. Without a doubt, an interesting place as well as surprising.
Barayo it is much more than a beach. Actually, the Barayo Nature Reserve is made up of the final stretch of the river with which it shares its name, dunes, marshes and a wild beach of dark sand frequented by naturists. Playa de Barayo ©Mampiris The immense sandy area is made up of two tongues of sand, the one that covers the front of the coast and a second that serves as a shore for the fresh waters.
Access to the beach is pedestrianized, through a forest track or down some natural stairs nestled in the cliff. And at both ends of the beach, large parking lots have been set up.
Barayo is always a discovery and a place to lose yourself to find unusual, very natural finds.
Puerto de Vega embodies romanticism on the west coast of Asturias, and for that reason it has been and is a powerful source of inspiration for artists. Its surroundings are of spectacular natural and architectural beauty. The large Indian villas with their gardens, palace-houses, typical Asturian mansions and a whole rural, colorful and authentic universe, are scattered around Puerto de Vega. Puerto de Vega ©Camilo Alonso Its active port offers you a charming picture, with its moored fleet, made up of small wooden boats that go out to sea every day, and bordered by typical fishermen’s houses, manor houses, Indian houses and modern buildings. Numerous symbols and monuments recall the greatness of its past and its leading role in notable episodes, such as the fortification in 1776, and the death of the illustrated Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos in the Casona Trelles in 1811, after taking refuge in the town due to a storm.
So the approach to this villa is always a delight. The bars and restaurants exude Cantabrian aromas of fish and shellfish. The atmosphere is calm, and the fleet looks humble in the calm waters at the foot of the rula.
On the eastern bank of Cabo de San Agustín, in the council of Coaña, you will find Arnelles beach , a small sandy area 100 meters long, with golden sands, moderate waves and little occupation due to its access on foot. Playa de Arnelles (Coaña) ©Ayto. Coaña In the middle of a rugged environment, it is located near the beautiful fishing port of Ortiguera, a place that is undoubtedly worth a visit. Castro de Coaña ©Amar Hernández Near Castro de Coaña, a settlement from the 4th century BC. C., located on the left bank of the Navia estuary, on a hill and surrounded by walls. A panoramic view over the fort will impress you, and once inside it you will understand some secrets of the Castro culture, which had so much life and importance in the past of Asturias.
Luarca/Ḷḷuarca It is a peaceful fishing village, which was an important fishing port since the Middle Ages, and which preserves many vestiges of that glorious past: old neighborhoods, the remains of a fortress, the Mesa de Mareantes y Navegantes, bridges with legend, or palaces and emblazoned houses. As if this were not enough, he saw the birth of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Severo Ochoa, and he has many memories of him. Luarca ©Mampiris Luarca / Ḷḷuarca is so white that it does not seem Atlantic. In addition, it is the only one in all of Asturias flanked by two viewpoints and two chapels: the white one, to the east, and the one of San Roque to the west, and the one with the most beautiful cemetery in the entire Cantabrian Sea.
Of course, the surroundings of the Villa Blanca are an inexhaustible source of pleasant discoveries: one of the largest and most exotic botanists in all of Europe; a Park halfway between the Earth and the Cosmos; a Cape where the best winds blow and the best cakes in Spain are made; an Asturian pilgrimage at the foot of a cliff, or the most beautiful beaches to enjoy unusual places, dreamy baths or incredible waves.
One of the most beautiful towns in the Valdés council is Cadavedo. Well known for its Indian architecture and for the many granaries it has. But what really makes it unique is its hermitage of La Regalina – which also has two granaries located in the vicinity -. Playa de Cadavedo ©Noé Baranda La Regalina, located in a spectacular setting by the sea, is one of the ‘totemic’ places on the western Asturian coast. Thousands of travelers, pilgrims, walkers, pilgrims, writers, artists, filmmakers, etc. have been captivated by this site, which has a curious history, halfway between reality and legend.
It turns out that the Virgin of Our Lady of Riégala – popularly known as La Regalina – is the patron saint of Cadavedo. A popular legend says that the image was found by a peasant inside a hollow trunk of a chestnut tree, located in the vicinity of the Riégala fountain.
And so in 1931 the hermitage of Santa María de Riégala was erected, and that same year, at the initiative of Father Galo, a key figure in Asturian literature, the Regalina festivities began to be celebrated, in Campo de la Garita, in front of the hermitage. Every last Sunday in August thousands of people participate in an open-air mass, garnished with a parade of pilgrims dressed in traditional clothing, moving to the rhythm of the country’s cars and the music of bagpipes and drums. Never has a typical Asturian party been celebrated from such a privileged balcony over the Cantabrian Sea.
La Regalina, both the place and the party, is really something unique and unrepeatable.
Of all the fishing villages of the Cantabrian Sea, Cudillero It is the only one that cannot be seen either from land or from the sea, as it is located in a natural bend that gives it that invisible, and therefore mysterious condition. This means that for you to contemplate Cudillero you will have to be inside, and once there the show will be amazing …
A fishing port full of flavor, a town that slopes almost vertically down a slope between two hills composing a unique amphitheater of bright colors, a cosmopolitan atmosphere where you will hear several languages ​​in a few meters, terraces, restaurants and cider houses set in any time of the year, the chapel of El Humilladero, the church of San Pedro… are some of the hallmarks of a town called Pixueta, which is so unique that it even has its own language.
Cudillero, furrowed in its entrails by two rivers, Santantón and La mimosa, is like a kind of floating raft that goes out to sea, which is its true essence. Everything in Cudillero tastes like the sea, smells like the sea, sounds like the sea … Murals, nets, rudders, floats … all are unmistakable signs that you have reached a maritime territory with a strong identity. Cudillero ©Mampiris One of the supreme attractions that the town of Cudillero offers you is the possibility of wandering around, of literally getting lost in its many corners and recesses. You will discover endless stairs, passageways, balconies, viewpoints, brightly colored fishermen’s houses … in whose arcades you can find some curadillo – small sharks that dry or cure on the terraces, windows or balconies, to consume in times of «greening» or wakefulness -.
If you enter the amphitheater and follow the blue fish that are painted on the ground, you will zigzag up to the top, and as you gain height, you will have different points of view of Cudillero. As you ascend, the face of the pixueta villa is changing, it is as if it had a thousand faces, and you will get lost among its roofs, with the background music of the waves of the sea and the song of the seagulls. Observing the amphitheater from inside the amphitheater is an incredible experience, it is like unraveling some mysteries of Cudillero …
There are three places that you cannot miss. One of them is the La Garita viewpoint, located on the east side of the amphitheater, and from where at a glance you will see the lighthouse, the port and the town. Another is the “El Picu” viewpoint, right in the heart of the city, and another is the Casa del Fuego, in the western part of Cudillero. Together you will complete a sequence of unique visual snapshots, at the same time that you will delve into the curious history of this town.
And so, walking from viewpoint to viewpoint, you will be better inspired to understand the pixueta soul …
Playa del Silencio (Cudillero) ©Noé Baranda Of course, a few kilometers from Cudillero capital, you have another of those lost paradises that you cannot miss: Playa del Silencio .

Las casas de comida, con su encanto propio y sus menús básicos, contundentes, con los platos protagonistas de la gastronomía local

 Un Parque Nacional donde podrás hacer rutas de senderismo por paisajes de cuento, degustar lo mejor de su gastronomía, visitar pueblos con encanto y disfrutar como nunca de una carretera panorámica

Un paseo por la cultura asturiana y cántabra en un viaje en el tiempo a través de los siglos.